PODCAST: The Constitutional Choice for Sheriff with Darren Hill | THE INTERVIEW ROOM | Episode 040



The Constitutional Choice for Sheriff with Darren Hill | THE INTERVIEW ROOM | Episode 040

Darren Hill


Meet this Weeks Guest: Darren Hill

Darren Hill has a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice and a Master’s Degree in Game Design and Production. He started his law enforcement journey at the Pasco Sheriff’s Office where he worked as a Patrol Deputy on the night shift. He was quickly promoted to being a Field Training Officer where he was responsible for making sure new recruits from the academy understood how to do their job safely and within the confines of the law and especially the constitution.


Hill was later promoted to being a Detective in the Economic Crimes Unit where he investigated cases ranging from bad checks for a few hundred dollars to multi-million dollar scams. With his computer and economic specialization, he was sent to work with the Department of Homeland Security office in Tampa to help them with dark web investigations. Due to injuries sustained in the line of duty, he ended his law enforcement career to move to Douglas County, Colorado where he continues to manage his small business.


During his time with the Sheriff’s Office, Hill declined invitations to test for promotions since he always wanted to be where he could help his fellow citizens, so a position of Sergeant or higher did not appeal to him. He did not have aspirations of running for Sheriff, but with unconstitutional laws being supported by other candidates, Hill joined the race to be where he can help his fellow citizens.

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TRANSCRIPTION OF EPISODE. Please note this is a new service we are offering and there will be spelling, grammar and accuracy issues. This transcription is offered as a convenience to our listeners, but at this time it is not guaranteed to be accurate.

00:00:15:01 - 00:00:34:33

Wayne Mulder

Hello, everyone. Welcome to the On the Blue Line podcast. I'm your host, Wayne Mulder, and I am so happy to be back with you again this week. September is flying by, but the good news is, is we've got more content coming not only for the month of September, but also in October. So I know you're going to enjoy it.

00:00:34:33 - 00:01:02:04

Wayne Mulder

And I thank each of you who have been listening and tuning in. I want to make sure that you're aware of a few things. First of all, every podcast is also available in video. So in fact, I've kind of changed up the format and I actually create the video first and then just save the audio file. So if you want to get what it was originally intended to be, that would be the video and that is available on our YouTube channel and on the blue line as well as Rumble and on the Blue Line.

00:01:02:04 - 00:01:21:21

Wayne Mulder

So be sure you check those out. A couple of other things is the show notes. You may not be aware, but on the blue line, oh, when the blue line dot com and if you go to forward slash show notes, you will see on their show notes for every episode, every morning, roll call, every interview room they are all there in.

00:01:21:21 - 00:01:43:01

Wayne Mulder

The advantages is not only is there more information, not only is there ton of links and so forth to the different things we've discussed on here. But the newer episodes also now have transcriptions on there. So if there's a specific topic, something specific you're looking for, if you go to that show notes page on the blue line dot com forward slash show notes, then you can scroll down and it's searchable.

00:01:43:01 - 00:02:04:51

Wayne Mulder

It gives you the timestamp and you can easily figure out when we were discussing whatever that topic was and you can use it as a resource as well. So I hope that's a big benefit for you. I want to thank those of you who have been supporting the podcast. None of this is possible. Unlike PBS, who claims to be listener supported and they are actually government supported, we are truly listener supported.

00:02:04:51 - 00:02:28:08

Wayne Mulder

So if it wasn't for you, the listener doing different things to help keep us out there on the air, we wouldn't be able to do this. So thank you so much for the support. I know we have the buy me a coffee link on the website that is essentially kind of like a patron, but we're instead of like a patron where you do a monthly subscription, you can just support for price of a coffee.

00:02:28:08 - 00:02:55:42

Wayne Mulder

And so some people have done that and I really appreciate it. Others have donated through the website and some people have purchased merchandise. So whichever one that people have done, I want to thank each and every one of you. And more importantly, and most importantly, if you would, the best way to support us is to share. So if you would be sure to follow us on whatever service you are using to watch or to listen to this podcast, and if you would share it with somebody else, those are huge.

00:02:55:58 - 00:03:16:45

Wayne Mulder

And if you are on like Apple Podcasts, leaving a reading and review is also here. So that's all I have for housekeeping. So let's get to this week's guest. So this week is something a little bit different. I actually had intended to have a different podcast on the spot when I was laying this out back in late August.

00:03:16:46 - 00:03:37:22

Wayne Mulder

Well, actually, July and then into August, however, I found out that somebody that I knew was running for sheriff in Douglas County, Colorado. A good friend of mine, Darren Hill, who I actually had the privilege of working with here in the state of Florida. So and we get further into that and you'll hear more his story. But Darren has law enforcement experience.

00:03:37:22 - 00:04:00:57

Wayne Mulder

And in his journey, he worked as a patrol deputy field training officer. He was a detective in the Economic Crimes Unit where he dealt with anything from bad checks for a few hundred dollars to multimillion dollar scams, and then later went to the Department of Homeland Security and worked there and dark Web investigations. So he definitely has the experience and that's what he wants to bring to the people of Douglas County, Colorado.

00:04:01:33 - 00:04:45:03

Wayne Mulder

The reason I wanted to have him on, though, is he's actually running under a libertarian ticket because the current Republican nominee for the office of sheriff in Douglas County is someone who is a big supporter of red flag laws. And the obviously that in some other of his policies, which we get deep into in this conversation, have some constitutional issues, especially if you're not very careful and how you arrange them, whether you set them up to be in line with the Constitution or whether or not they can be easily used by anyone that dislikes you or dislikes your stance on something all of a sudden has an ability to go get a court order to

00:04:45:03 - 00:05:08:33

Wayne Mulder

take away your weapons or anything else. And that's the problem when we start overstepping the Constitution is it's dangerous for everybody because that becomes the new precedent. So we get deep into that in this conversation. I hope you enjoy it. As he says, he had no aspirations of running for sheriff, but with unconstitutional laws being supported by other candidates, he joined the race so he can help his fellow citizens of Douglas County, Colorado.

00:05:08:33 - 00:05:26:25

Wayne Mulder

So whether you live in Colorado or not, I think you're going to find this to be a very engaging conversation because we get definitely deep into the constitutional law aspect of things. And then more so than that, please be sure to support him. Be sure to follow him on his website. Hill4Liberty.com.

00:05:26:42 - 00:05:50:25

Wayne Mulder

Follow him on Facebook, Twitter all that good stuff and really support what he's doing because as we discuss and as you've heard me say more and more the sheriffs in this country are the last line of defense. If we keep going down this road of unconstitutional authority being taken by the federal government and them completely overstepping their bounds, which is happening more and more these days, I'm sad to say.

00:05:50:49 - 00:06:17:33

Wayne Mulder

And something doesn't change, though. One of the last protections after the governor, the attorney general, the treasurer, when it comes to things, different things such as like ESG scores and stuff after that, it's going to be your local county sheriffs are the last line of defense for your liberties. Before we completely finished the slide into despotism. So I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed having the conversation without taking any more time.

00:06:17:43 - 00:06:23:38

Wayne Mulder

Here's this week's guest, Darren Hill. Well, Darren, welcome to the show.

00:06:24:27 - 00:06:25:17

Darren Hill

Thanks for having me.

00:06:26:00 - 00:06:46:53

Wayne Mulder

This is a great opportunity. So we'll get into all this. So the listeners kind of know, but I have the advantage of knowing you. I have the advantage of working with you. And then I also get to tell a little bit about your story. So thank you for joining. For the listeners, typically I start out with my Get to know your questions, which we may get to as we go through this interview.

00:06:47:16 - 00:06:58:40

Wayne Mulder

But I really want to start with what you're doing, because that's why you came on. And I think it's super important that everybody kind of know. So you are running for sheriff in Douglas County, Colorado.

00:06:59:26 - 00:07:00:32

Darren Hill


00:07:00:32 - 00:07:26:04

Wayne Mulder

And when I found out, I was like, I have got to get Darren on the show. We have to talk about this. So let's let's just start with that race itself because of course, the website it's Hill for Liberty dot com. And part of the reason listeners I'm starting it this way is I know how it is. You know, you're in your car, you're at the gym, whatever, and you may end up doing something else and not listening to this entire podcast in one setting or getting back to it.

00:07:26:16 - 00:07:44:43

Wayne Mulder

And I really think that it's important that you connect with Darren, what he's doing. And as you're going to hear in this conversation that these kind of races across the country have a lot of implications everywhere, not just in counties in Colorado. So, Darren, why are you running for sheriff in Colorado?

00:07:46:33 - 00:08:15:32

Darren Hill

I originally had no aspirations to ever run for sheriff or any political office. But when the situation arose where we've got the sheriff candidates in Douglas County supporting the use of unconstitutional laws, and there weren't many people pushing back against it or running against those candidates, that's when I decided to join the race.

00:08:16:44 - 00:08:33:59

Wayne Mulder

Well, I think that's an important point. You know, we just seen, in fact, off line, you and I were talking about some other local races, which I won't name any names, but we're seeing where there seems to be some establishment thinking out there and more and more people are pushing back against it. You're seeing it at school boards.

00:08:33:59 - 00:08:41:55

Wayne Mulder

You're seeing it in other states. So just so the listeners kind of know you're running on, what ticket are you running on? Which party? Unitarian.

00:08:43:28 - 00:08:46:31

Darren Hill

Libertarian Party.

00:08:46:31 - 00:09:07:02

Wayne Mulder

Can you? So some of the listeners who have been listening to me for any length of time know that I kind of identify as a constitutional conservative and that we know that there is definitely a large Republican base in Colorado, as well as some very strong Democratic city centers. So when it comes to the libertarian Party, how is that different?

00:09:07:02 - 00:09:12:05

Wayne Mulder

Maybe. So what what kind of is your belief system when it comes to individual liberties?

00:09:13:49 - 00:09:39:58

Darren Hill

My belief system when it comes to individual liberties is pretty much absolute. Like you have absolute choice over the decisions you make for yourself. You know, some of the more extreme libertarian positions that people struggle with is like the legalization of all these drugs. If somebody chooses to do that to themselves, they can choose to do that to themselves.

00:09:40:33 - 00:09:59:58

Darren Hill

Should we offer them help and resources to not want to do those things to themselves? Absolutely, because drugs are bad. But at the same time, I think I think we we as a society should have learned more from prohibition because it did not make things better.

00:10:00:28 - 00:10:12:32

Wayne Mulder

Right. In fact, it created an entire underworld and the underbelly of exactly what they were trying to prevent with their puritanical rules.

00:10:13:22 - 00:10:37:57

Darren Hill

Right. And we're kind of running into the same situation with the current drug laws of today. Fentanyl, I believe, would not be the having the same prevalence that it has right now if we weren't fighting this war on drugs, if people could get heroin and not sell more, they would probably take the heroin because it's less likely to kill them.

00:10:38:11 - 00:10:59:18

Darren Hill

I think that even though people are addicted to these drugs, they are smart enough to realize that. And we've we've caused this black market to emerge where people go and they don't know exactly what they're getting. It's much like the alcohol that became available during prohibition. Some of it was downright toxic.

00:10:59:52 - 00:11:07:55

Wayne Mulder

Right. Well, that's an interesting. So two things. I was actually going to wait to go down the drug road a little later with you. But let's go ahead. And we that is.

00:11:08:07 - 00:11:11:13

Darren Hill

The more controversial libertarian positions.

00:11:11:13 - 00:11:30:03

Wayne Mulder

It certainly is. And there's two pushbacks that I think immediately come to mind that I hear from a lot of people. And I'd be curious to hear your perspective on them. First of all, is whenever you say more individual liberty, their concern is going down more of the California road of open air drug markets, people with needles hanging out of their arms, that kind of, you know, the images you see portrayed.

00:11:30:27 - 00:11:48:57

Wayne Mulder

How do you not go down that road? Are you and I know we're talking sheriff here. We're not talking legislation, which is where a lot of this come from. But you're talking enforcement. And obviously, let me preface all this by saying your intention as sheriff would be to enforce the laws that are on the books.

00:11:50:07 - 00:12:13:58

Darren Hill

For the most part. Yes. Because, for example, the red flag law is a law that's on the books, but it is flagrantly unconstitutional. So I would not be enforcing that. That is the only law that I can think of right now that would just be unenforceable because of the constitutional issues. Drug laws would continue to be enforced as written.

00:12:14:58 - 00:12:49:22

Darren Hill

I'm not a fan of how we treat drug users, but we've got to utilize the laws as they're written because there's a couple of issues. So if we were to just disregard those laws, I think we would be currently causing more harm than good because if we want to move towards a society where those are not law enforcement issues, we need to put infrastructure in place to help people who are addicted.

00:12:49:42 - 00:13:05:34

Darren Hill

Yes. Right now that that's not there. And if you pull the rug out from under these these laws that at least get someone into jail where they might get some help, right now, I think we'd be causing more harm than good.

00:13:07:01 - 00:13:28:48

Wayne Mulder

It's interesting. Yeah, I would agree with you 100%. It's not something we can arrest ourselves out of. Some areas of the country are seeing some success, and I don't know, Colorado is obviously and sorry to the listeners, we got a thunderstorm going on here and beautiful afternoon in Florida as I'm recording this. So I apologize if I can't get all of this background noise out of this.

00:13:28:48 - 00:13:51:59

Wayne Mulder

But, Darren, one of the things that you're starting to see in certain jurisdictions is this movement to where you're working with local hospitals, mental health clinics and so forth to get these people resources. And those people are teaming up sometimes even in a co responder kind of format with law enforcement. Is that kind of thing happening in Colorado at this time that you're aware of?

00:13:53:06 - 00:14:24:41

Darren Hill

There is for mental health. There's definitely been some corresponding with mental health. I think that we need to also be utilizing that for addiction issues as well as mental health response, because I think if we start addressing addiction issues, that will help us more than, like you said, arresting ourselves out of the situation. Someone being addicted to a substance shouldn't lock them up.

00:14:24:54 - 00:14:25:58

Darren Hill

We need to get them help.

00:14:26:47 - 00:14:48:41

Wayne Mulder

Absolutely. And I think and, you know, we're going to get into a little bit of your story here in a minute as to how you ended up here and so forth. But I think one of the things we really see, especially now, is the number of overdose deaths, the number of overdoses. I was just listening to a law enforcement officer yesterday that was acting surprised that law enforcement carries Narcan where I work.

00:14:49:33 - 00:15:08:49

Wayne Mulder

As you know, we've been carrying Narcan for years and actually we carry two because it's highly probable that you're going to need more than one when you're there and possibly even for yourself and one of the other responders while you're dealing with it. It's such a huge issue and I'm sure Colorado's seeing the same need and the same problems.

00:15:08:49 - 00:15:33:45

Darren Hill

Right. Actually, when I was there at the Sheriff's Office and they issued us one Narcan that was my very first criticism that I sent a memo about was the training that we received was, oh, if you become exposed to it, you need to use this on yourself, but you also need to use it on the individual who's overdosed.

00:15:33:45 - 00:15:40:58

Darren Hill

And I'm like, What if I use it on him? And it's airborne? What? Like now I just say.

00:15:42:09 - 00:15:47:20

Wayne Mulder

Right, what it was for myself here. I hope that I have backup that has theirs.

00:15:47:20 - 00:16:12:43

Darren Hill

Right. And that's so much of the the training in law enforcement is like arrive alive. Don't drive beyond your ability or, you know, if traffic is crazy, don't don't be running 100 miles an hour through it. You know, you've got to you can't help anyone if you're dead. So it was the same thing with Narcan. It's like, well, I've got to have some Narcan for myself so that I can help more people.

00:16:13:26 - 00:16:14:40

Wayne Mulder

Yeah. No, I think I'm glad.

00:16:14:40 - 00:16:17:01

Darren Hill

I'm glad there's a they're issuing, too.

00:16:18:28 - 00:16:42:09

Wayne Mulder

They are. And that is very powerful and such a good point. And another thing I'm seeing other local jurisdictions do is starting to. A lot of times through hospitals, through grants, through different clinics that are out there issuing Narcan to the community as well. So there is a great probability that you're going to go to a seeing where they may have already been able to use it.

00:16:42:23 - 00:17:00:27

Wayne Mulder

And I know there is, but I'm always careful with these conversations or I always find them interesting conversations because there is a whole group of people out there who are like, Yeah, but they're using drugs. They deserve the outcome of whatever it is. Kind of the same thinking of you decide to go break into a house and it doesn't end well for you.

00:17:00:27 - 00:17:24:57

Wayne Mulder

You kind of got what you deserve. However, there is definitely an addiction side to this and like you said many times, the policies and stuff that are in place only make it worse, which kind of makes it our responsibility also to care for these people and to try to get them help. Sadly, you know, only a small percentage are probably going to actually have a life changing.

00:17:24:57 - 00:17:53:10

Wayne Mulder

We just know statistically that a small percentage are going to be the ones. But I think it is important that we have these things and offer them. Let me ask you, because I just want to make your stance on this extremely clear here. People have the liberty to choose what it is that they want to do. But when it comes to things like enforcing drug laws and so forth, not only are you going to force them, but you also want to really concentrate on the more important part, which is getting them help and putting these kind of tools in place.

00:17:53:11 - 00:17:54:46

Wayne Mulder

Is that correct, or am I saying that right?

00:17:55:40 - 00:18:18:34

Darren Hill

Yes, that pretty much sums it up because the the issue is there will always be a market for these drugs unless we address the addiction side of it. And that's the big issue. If people are addicted, there will always be someone to supply them. So the only thing we can do if we want to reduce these addiction and overdose deaths is we have to address the addiction.

00:18:19:22 - 00:18:31:21

Darren Hill

We can't put them in jail. I mean, we can put them in jail, but we're not going to solve it by putting them in jail because they're going to get bonded out. Maybe they spend 30 days in jail. They're going to go right back to their addiction.

00:18:32:38 - 00:18:45:18

Wayne Mulder

And we've both seen their cases where that is sometimes a death sentence, because what happens is they got clean while they were in the jail and then they'll come back out and be using at the same level they were when they went. Then a.

00:18:45:25 - 00:18:46:22

Darren Hill

Straight overdose.

00:18:46:30 - 00:18:49:46

Wayne Mulder

Straight overdose. And those and even.

00:18:49:48 - 00:18:58:31

Darren Hill

If they don't have. Yeah. And if they don't have their own Narcan, if it's not available in the community, they, they may not get Narcan in time.

00:18:59:18 - 00:19:28:17

Wayne Mulder

Yeah. And I think as this grows and I've seen it work in other jurisdictions, I think that the two pronged approach, you know, where you're giving them the resources and stuff while they're in the jail, but then being able to pick them up when they get out of jail to offer the resources. And there will be. I know because I personally am involved in this world right now, but there is a small percent or probably a big percentage of them that are going to say, I don't have a problem and I don't want help, but it's like any kind of good marketing.

00:19:28:19 - 00:19:37:06

Wayne Mulder

The more you stay there, the more you keep offering your services when they hit that moment that they need it. There's a good probability that they're going to reach out to you.

00:19:38:02 - 00:19:51:16

Darren Hill

Right. We need better sales tactics on the rehabilitation is what we need to make it make it more appealing than falling back into their old lifestyle of living from from drug hit to drug hit.

00:19:52:12 - 00:20:11:54

Wayne Mulder

Yeah. No, I think that's powerful. So let's go ahead and jump over to the probably the most important issue that brought you down this road. And everyone be sure to check out the website. It's Hill. Hill for Liberty, the number four hill for liberty dot com. And you're going to be see his complete bio and everything. But let's jump into this whole thing with the red flag laws.

00:20:12:33 - 00:20:30:03

Wayne Mulder

Yeah, let's start with it is a huge issue. And we saw the legislation that just got passed up there, which had a lot of Republican support up in Washington. Let me ask the question, though. What is a red flag law for those listeners who hear these terms and don't fully understand it? And then what does that look like in Colorado as well?

00:20:31:08 - 00:20:57:01

Darren Hill

Yeah. So the red flag laws, that's kind of their colloquial term, I guess you could call it. They're also called extreme risk protection orders. It's basically law that says that you can go specific, people can go to the court and basically get an injunction against you having firearms in your possession. That could be a neighbor. It could be an ex.

00:20:57:55 - 00:21:22:12

Darren Hill

It could be a current or ex-girlfriend. It could be a current or ex-spouse, an immediate family member. Any of these people can go to the court and say that you are a threat to yourself or others and that you need to have all your guns removed. If the judge looks at it and goes, Yeah, this is this is sufficient to me.

00:21:22:30 - 00:21:41:54

Darren Hill

They can issue an order for the local jurisdiction, the sheriff's office, to go out and seize your guns. They can do it as a no knock raid at three in the morning when you're sleeping, which I think is extremely reckless, especially when you think this person is going to respond violently. Yes.

00:21:42:23 - 00:21:56:56

Wayne Mulder

One, especially when there's so much outrage over things like the Breonna Taylor shooting in Louisville, Kentucky. And yet we're going to go into a residence. We know there's firearms in and go in at 3:00 in the morning and expect different results. It's insanity, actually.

00:21:57:41 - 00:22:23:07

Darren Hill

Right. That sounds like the perfect recipe for a violent response, because I know, like with these, I've been present for some of them. And when you're awake and you're outside on the perimeter and you can hear them shouting very loudly, sheriff's office search warrant. But at the same time, if I was that person in bed at 3:00 in the morning, I hear my door blow open.

00:22:23:33 - 00:22:38:04

Darren Hill

I don't I'm not going to be hearing people yelling, sheriff's office. I'm just going to be hearing gunfire because the moment my door blows open, I'm going to be grabbing my gun and sending rounds that direction. Like it's a terrible plan.

00:22:38:43 - 00:22:54:28

Wayne Mulder

Yeah. Do you think and I don't want to put you on the spot so you can either answer does not answer it. We can edit it out however you want to go. But do you believe that there's ever a place for risk protection orders or red flag laws? Or do you think there is ever a place for those?

00:22:54:28 - 00:22:58:06

Wayne Mulder

And what does that look like? Like what is the constitutional limits of that?

00:22:59:27 - 00:23:24:27

Darren Hill

I would be in favor of them if it followed the Fourth Amendment. So you need due process. You need to have essentially a jury of your peers deciding that you're too dangerous to have these weapons, just like we do with any other criminal proceeding. We can't just have a judge going, Yeah, what you said is sufficient. This person can't have guns.

00:23:24:43 - 00:24:03:52

Darren Hill

I, I think there are people out there with evil intent. Hundred percent. I worked in law enforcement long enough to know that there are people who are just pure evil and intend to do evil. But we can't just have one person being the deciding factor that you're going to get your guns removed. Obviously, after your guns are removed, the extreme, extreme risk protection orders do have actual hearings where you, as the person who had your gun guns removed, get to show up and and represent yourself or have representation.

00:24:04:17 - 00:24:10:08

Darren Hill

But the problem is your guns have already been removed. Yeah. So we're kind of skipping the due process to get they're.

00:24:11:29 - 00:24:14:33

Wayne Mulder

Not kind of. I agree with you. Here we are.

00:24:14:33 - 00:24:24:03

Darren Hill

Slowly, slowly skipping a you have a you have one person deciding that you're going to get your property seized. Yes. Because some states.

00:24:24:16 - 00:24:31:40

Wayne Mulder

Will do it solely on a neighbor or a loved one statement without any kind of hearing within a short period of time. Is that correct?

00:24:32:16 - 00:24:43:49

Darren Hill

That is correct, yes. Like there is no hearing like the statement gets submitted to the judge. The judge makes a decision on the statement and sends it to the sheriff's office to enforce.

00:24:44:38 - 00:25:09:54

Wayne Mulder

Yeah. Yeah, that's scary. I mean, fortunately, the ones that I've seen there is a hearing involved early on. But yeah, it's it's an interesting conversation, especially when you talk about constitutionality. And that's why I thought it was extremely important. Now you are running on the Libertarian Party. Part of the reason you got into this. Do you want to talk at all?

00:25:09:54 - 00:25:17:40

Wayne Mulder

Is there any other major difference to see differences between you and the other gentlemen that are or ladies that are running for sheriff in Douglas County?

00:25:18:46 - 00:25:46:24

Darren Hill

Well, I know that the Republican candidate and I have probably be most similar positions on everything. The big areas where we're going to disagree are obviously the red flag laws. I'm not sure what his position is on civil asset forfeiture. I'm strongly against civil asset forfeiture because just like red flag laws, they lack due process. You're not convicted yet.

00:25:46:24 - 00:25:47:31

Darren Hill

Your property is taken.

00:25:47:58 - 00:25:48:28

Wayne Mulder


00:25:48:29 - 00:26:03:19

Darren Hill

So not a fan of those criminal asset forfeiture. Okay, fine. You've you have successfully criminally prosecuted this person. Seize the assets that you have shown are part of the criminal proceedings.

00:26:04:46 - 00:26:05:24

Wayne Mulder


00:26:05:36 - 00:26:07:17

Darren Hill

Seizing them before that is just absurd.

00:26:08:52 - 00:26:27:54

Wayne Mulder

I couldn't agree with you more, but you make a statement and I love this quote and fact. I'll bring it up right here. I think there's a good point to to say it. This is what you have written on your website. Quote, If a government agency can disregard the Constitution even for something you may like, it can disregarded against to again to do something you will not like.

00:26:28:15 - 00:26:44:15

Wayne Mulder

And that's what people need to understand with these is I think sometimes we see them in the so law enforcement pulls over. And I want to be clear about something since I do still work in the profession. There's nothing wrong with these things. As long as we stick within the Constitution. I say it over and over again and others have said it.

00:26:45:03 - 00:27:09:57

Wayne Mulder

What size should government be? Government should be so small it fits in the constitution as long as it fits in the Constitution. We're good that we're in person. So my point being, so they pull over card middle of the night and there's $100,000 in it, there's drugs there, you know, whatever. And they seize it because it's a drug dealer or whatever or they take it and they do the civil asset forfeiture, you know, and we're all like, Oh yeah.

00:27:09:57 - 00:27:28:21

Wayne Mulder

But obviously they got all these drugs and so it's a bad guy doing bad things or whatever, which is probably true. But next thing you do, you know, is you hear, well, someone's traveling with, you know, $5,000 and that gets taken. Or, you know, the minute we start crossing these lines for any reason, then it's just a matter of time that we cross them for every reason.

00:27:29:02 - 00:27:52:26

Darren Hill

Right. And in that situation, you've got someone traveling with half a million dollars and drugs and guns and all these other things. If you're that concerned about the $500,000 and you really think it is tied to the criminal enterprise, take it as evidence. Yes. But you do not get to go and put it in your bank account and say, oh, it's ours now, and if you want it back, you have to prove it wasn't used in the criminal enterprise.

00:27:53:25 - 00:27:55:13

Wayne Mulder

That's because to me, that's where.

00:27:55:13 - 00:28:06:45

Darren Hill

Crosses the line. Like criminal asset forfeiture is separate from civil asset forfeiture, where we've actually given them the due process and we don't put the burden of proof back on them to prove that they're not a criminal.

00:28:07:21 - 00:28:24:45

Wayne Mulder

Yeah, no, this is huge. And this is a conversation I've actually never been have on the show. So I'm glad to have you on to have it, because it just drives me crazy. Let me ask you the question and then I'm going to provide a little bit of thoughts on it as well. How do you see the role of sheriff when it comes to its role in local government?

00:28:26:16 - 00:28:52:03

Darren Hill

The sheriff, I think, is like the final line of protection for the Constitution. They are the head law enforcement for that small jurisdiction. It's the it's the last line of defense. So if you've got all this government overreach attempting to occur, they have to be the ones that say, no, you can't do that here.

00:28:53:42 - 00:29:21:23

Wayne Mulder

Amen. And not to just simply agree with you, but you're absolutely right. And that's kind of how I look at it, too. In fact, we're seeing right now the what's going on what's going on at a national level is concerning. Anyone who's listening to this, who identifies either as a libertarian or a conservative or Republican or any of those monikers, if you find yourself in one of those, quote unquote camps, which there's a lot of crossover, you are definitely somebody who's not real happy about what's going on at a national level.

00:29:22:26 - 00:29:49:10

Wayne Mulder

And I think that what it's going to come down to if, Lord forbid, things don't go well in November this year, it's going to come down to your governor and the state that you're in and the states that they're aligned with. Then your state attorneys are going to become extremely, extremely important because your state attorneys are the ones that can band together and push back on a lot of these, like ESG scores and a lot of just a lot of nightmare things that are coming down the pike from a globalist perspective.

00:29:49:33 - 00:30:09:05

Wayne Mulder

And then your local sheriffs, we saw the importance of those three roles all through COVID. In fact, I don't know if that's something I'm assuming as someone who is an absolutist with individual liberty, that you are pretty unrestricted when it comes to government enforced lockdowns as well?

00:30:10:10 - 00:30:35:29

Darren Hill

Yes, absolutely. Like we have unelected bureaucrats deciding that we're going to close the country. Who's accountable for that? This isn't a person that we chose to elect and they're deciding where we can and can't go. It's unbelievable that that even occurred. And then they start saying, oh, well, we've got these mask mandates and we need these we need law enforcement to enforce it.

00:30:35:49 - 00:31:03:57

Darren Hill

And I think it comes down to the local sheriffs seeing that something as unconstitutional and nullifying the law, basically saying what you're telling me to do does not stay within the lane of the Constitution that we've been given. I'm not going to do that. If you're handed an unconstitutional tool and the government says here, this will make your job easier, you have to be willing to look at that and say, no, I'm going to do my job.

00:31:03:57 - 00:31:05:58

Darren Hill

The hard way because it's the right way.

00:31:06:30 - 00:31:27:50

Wayne Mulder

Yeah, because our job is not only service to the community, we also swear an oath to uphold the Constitution. And especially as the sheriff, because anyone that serves under the sheriff are really serving at his pleasure. The sheriff is that constitutional authority? That absolutely. Absolutely is the final line between, listen, if that's unconstitutional, I am not going to do it.

00:31:28:08 - 00:31:42:36

Wayne Mulder

And that's I'm so glad to hear you saying that, because this is what we need to hear. And there are some great sheriffs out there that are doing that. But then you hear these horror stories and this one was a PD, but in a jurisdiction not too far from Douglas County, Colorado, during COVID, they were harassing people at the park.

00:31:42:36 - 00:31:50:13

Wayne Mulder

And you know, there were viral videos that came out not too far from where you are. The PD completely overstepping constitutional rights.

00:31:51:46 - 00:32:08:15

Darren Hill

Yeah, unbelievable. Like I saw videos out in California of them shutting down the beaches. These these are people out at the beach in fresh air. What? Why is nobody out there like you're you're harassing and arresting people for being at the beach?

00:32:08:54 - 00:32:29:25

Wayne Mulder

Yeah, it's it's crazy. Well, let's go ahead and take this moment to kind of switch to how I would normally start my show. And let's go to your origin story. What what brought you to law enforcement? You've done some other you're a small business owner, so you've got some other great qualifications. I want to make sure the listeners, especially the ones in Colorado, are listening to this.

00:32:29:36 - 00:32:38:13

Wayne Mulder

And again, it's Hill for Liberty, the number four hill for Liberty dot com. But if you could just give us a little bit of your origin story and some of the other things that you've got going on.

00:32:39:50 - 00:33:05:42

Darren Hill

Oh, let's see. I originally got into law enforcement as a police police explorer at the age of 16 with the Zephyrhills police explorers down there in Florida. After that, I got a bachelor's degree in criminal justice, bounced around in a couple of jobs. I got a master's degree in production management focused on game design because that's where my small business is.

00:33:06:27 - 00:33:40:51

Darren Hill

And then I got started with the county sheriff's office. I worked there for eight and a half years. I did four years on patrol. I worked as a patrol deputy and a field training officer during that time. And one of the big things I always stressed to my trainees when I was a field training officer was following the Constitution to make it the number one thing you have to get right as a deputy, you have to the you cannot cross the line after that.

00:33:40:51 - 00:34:15:24

Darren Hill

I got a position as a detective in the Economic Crimes Unit. I did that for four years before I actually got sent off to work for Homeland Security. That was an interesting assignment. I got sent there because no Department of Homeland Security in Tampa wanted to conduct Darkweb investigations. And since I've got a lot of experience with the Internet and the dark web, I went up there and I said, Hey, guys, what do you need me for?

00:34:15:25 - 00:34:35:06

Darren Hill

And they were like, Well, we need you to figure out how to do this because we don't. And I'm like, Oh, you want you want the little local guy to tell you how to do it. Okay, I got it. So I spent six months getting that going, getting them started, and then training the next guy to kind of take over the position with the Department of Homeland Security.

00:34:35:43 - 00:34:56:41

Darren Hill

After that, due to the injuries I got in the line of duty, my doctor told me I needed to stop working in law enforcement because it was doing more damage than than I should be doing to my body. Medically retired and moved up here to Colorado.

00:34:57:39 - 00:35:24:57

Wayne Mulder

Well, yeah, no. And I think one of the things the listeners ought to know, especially the voters in Douglas County, Colorado, is those experiences really provided the basis for exactly what you're doing now, because working in areas such as economic crimes, you get to see full well, you know, both civil asset forfeiture versus criminal forfeiture and so forth, I would assume.

00:35:24:57 - 00:36:05:43

Darren Hill

Absolutely. I would I would say prior to my time in law enforcement, I was not aware of a lot of these constitutional issues. And then it wasn't until I worked in law enforcement and was exposed to seeing where some of these lines either blur or straight up cross. The boundary is where I started leaning much more libertarian, and even with the drug issues, I would say it was constantly arresting and putting in jail the same people for the same crime and starting to wonder what what good am I doing for these people?

00:36:06:00 - 00:36:17:49

Darren Hill

There's got to be a better way to do this. And that's where I started leaning more towards the libertarian side of things where it's like this. This shouldn't be a criminal issue on some of these points.

00:36:18:19 - 00:36:46:13

Wayne Mulder

Right. Well, we were chatting a week or two ago, and one of the points that really stuck out to me is I think you would ask the question I'd mentioned being a constitutional conservative. And I we were talking a little bit about being a libertarian. And you said, well, what's the difference? And I think you're seeing as more and more of these liberties begin to be attacked, that this is becoming a huge a huge push.

00:36:46:13 - 00:37:06:05

Wayne Mulder

In fact, I even mentioned to you myself, I kind of feel a little bit like I'm starting to push towards being a little bit more of a libertarian, even though I never would have really identified in that, because I know that there are some nuances even in this conversation where I can see some differences. But on the broader issues, we are 100% in lockstep, especially when we have an out-of-control federal government.

00:37:07:34 - 00:37:31:55

Darren Hill

I think I took a test a couple of years ago and it's this website I think it's called Who I Side With dot com and it's really neat you take the test and it'll actually score you percentage based how you side with a lot of these major national parties socialists Democrats Green Party Libertarian Constitutional party Republican and all of it.

00:37:32:18 - 00:37:55:46

Darren Hill

And when I took it, the two highest scores I had, I think like with the Libertarians, I was like a 90% or something matched. And with the Constitutional Party, I think I was like an 88% match. And I never really went back to look at what the difference was between the two. But I found it interesting. I was like, Wow, I apparently scored very high with these two.

00:37:55:46 - 00:37:57:46

Darren Hill

I agree with a lot of what they say.

00:37:58:19 - 00:38:28:37

Wayne Mulder

Yeah, yeah, I know just from my own conversation sessions with people who identify as libertarians and so forth, usually the differences come down to social issues. Usually it's more things like the drugs, like the other type of social issues where both usually have a you do your thing and I'll and leave me alone kind of underpinning. However, there does seem to be some little differences as far as what the government can mandate and so forth when it comes to overall like public morality, you know, those kind of things.

00:38:29:15 - 00:38:54:32

Wayne Mulder

Those tend to be the small, nuanced differences important to this conversation. And it's becoming such a hot button issue nationwide. This podcast, I have tons of conversations about it each and every day. So you looking to become sheriff in a county in Colorado and Douglas County, Colorado, this is a question that I would be curious where you stand on mental health and law enforcement.

00:38:54:32 - 00:39:14:13

Wayne Mulder

And to me, that question is kind of defined by two sides. So you have mental health and law enforcement and what we deal with as far as the people who need mental health resources and then obviously the mental health of the officers themselves or what they are dealing with. So could you take us a little bit into your thoughts on that and maybe even how you intend to combat these growing issues?

00:39:15:45 - 00:39:53:20

Darren Hill

Right. So for the first part, with mental health in the population at large, that one is huge. I from what I remember on road patrol, being a patrol deputy so much like the majority of what I responded to mental health based and I'm sure it hasn't gotten any better. There's not much mental health support in this country. And even when we would utilize mental health hold on the individuals, they might be released the same night.

00:39:53:40 - 00:40:27:25

Darren Hill

And unfortunately, in many cases it was people without insurance. And we would be right back out there, same night dealing with someone else's mental health issues. I think that we need to as communities have systems in place to address mental health and actually give these people help, especially when they don't have the insurance to cover it because it's a huge drain on law enforcement, law enforcement resources to help out there.

00:40:29:00 - 00:41:14:49

Darren Hill

But we're not trained in mental health. We're not mental health professionals. That's why when I see agencies that have the CO response units or mental health focused units, I think those are a big positive for that community. Yeah. When it comes to law enforcement, mental health, I think there's a lot of stigma and fear around law enforcement who have any mental health issues of their own, especially when it comes down to PTSD and anything that might push them towards suicide, because we have an unfortunate amount of suicide in law enforcement.

00:41:15:23 - 00:41:48:01

Darren Hill

It's been my personal belief that it keeps occurring because of the stigma and the fear. You've got law enforcement officers that have seen what happens to people when they get taken to a mental health facility and how that can affect both your career and your ability to have a firearm. Because if you get that mental health diagnosis, there goes your job, there goes your gun.

00:41:48:45 - 00:42:24:18

Darren Hill

Where do you go from there? And so many of them see suicide as the better option they would. They would rather die than go the other route. And it's it's really unfortunate, even myself, when I was coming off the when I got injured, I was on this whole cocktail of pain medications, all sorts of nonsense and the the side effects for stopping taking multiple of them was suicidal thoughts.

00:42:25:46 - 00:42:50:56

Darren Hill

So when I started taking them and the severe depression that came with that was wild as I'm not a suicidal person, never have been a suicidal person, but those drugs will mess with your brain. So I actually called up a friend of mine and said, Hey, I need you to come take my guns. I just need them out of the house for a little bit.

00:42:50:56 - 00:43:14:43

Darren Hill

No questions. He came, he got them. Everything was fine. I got past the withdrawal symptoms of all those medications and he brought them back to me. But, you know, it's one of those things where I think it's good that I had a friend that I could call and just say, hey, get these, get these out of my house for a little bit because these drugs are messing with me.

00:43:15:05 - 00:43:15:23

Wayne Mulder


00:43:16:35 - 00:43:50:47

Darren Hill

But at the same time, you've got that fear in the back of your head where it's like, what if he starts asking questions? Or What if he tells somebody that I'm having issues like that and if it if people are more afraid of what can occur to them, if they do have an issue, then the actual, like, if, if getting help is scarier than just having your problem, you're never going to get help right now.

00:43:50:47 - 00:44:13:01

Wayne Mulder

That is so true. And I think one of the biggest lessons that you just said, there is something that I advocate for a lot, which is knowing and both sides of it, knowing who to call for, you know, you or I or whomever the individual is who's listening. And then also being that person who they know they can call and they can trust and just have a conversation.

00:44:13:01 - 00:44:29:00

Wayne Mulder

And it doesn't have to be, like you said in your case, it was, hey, come grab these. But even if it's sometimes just a, hey, how you're doing or you don't have to get into the weeds or have some crazy conversation, sometimes just that hearing another caring voice or them just listening to you for a few minutes is is enough.

00:44:29:25 - 00:44:54:16

Wayne Mulder

And it has saved countless lives, I have no doubt, just from, you know, testimonies and stories that I've heard from other people. Would you're intent and I don't know what Douglas County currently has, but you're intent be one of the things when it comes to stigma and you hit the nail on the head is this whole thing that if the mental health resources like apps and so forth are all through the agency, law enforcement really doesn't trust that.

00:44:54:16 - 00:44:58:10

Wayne Mulder

Even if the best of intentions are there, they just simply don't trust it.

00:44:58:40 - 00:45:21:36

Darren Hill

So because you've got to think about it, anything that the agency has is there to protect the agency. The agency lawyers are not there for you. They're for their for the agency, the app, even. You look at it and you go, it's there for the agency. I think an actual peer support network not managed by the agency would be far more preferable to people who need someone to speak to.

00:45:22:24 - 00:45:39:27

Wayne Mulder

Yeah, no, I think that's great. And that is exactly, exactly what we need. And fortunately, I'm seeing it across the country. I'm from doing this podcast and talking with other people. I am seeing more of it, but we're there. We've got a long ways to go as a profession.

00:45:40:08 - 00:45:51:23

Darren Hill

Right? Yeah, but there's always that extra fear. You've got the EAP and you're like, okay, they might help, but they also might tell somebody and I'll lose my job.

00:45:52:01 - 00:46:08:52

Wayne Mulder

Yep. One other road I want to go down real quick. Just because as I was thinking about this conversation, what I did is I kind of sat down and I said, if I was going to pick my perfect sheriff like the guy I'm going to work for, what are the questions I would want to ask him? So we've gone down the constitutionalist.

00:46:09:07 - 00:46:30:05

Wayne Mulder

So you check that box and we've gone down in the mental health and how you would deal with the drug crisis and I appreciate that because those are both very good answers. So then the last component of what I would look for in a sheriff would be on the training side. So what is kind of your training philosophy and what are you seeing in Colorado law enforcement that's maybe different from other states that you've been at?

00:46:30:16 - 00:46:35:15

Wayne Mulder

And what would be your way to push forward with this?

00:46:35:22 - 00:47:05:22

Darren Hill

One of the first things I noticed, because every single year I have to go and do a firearms qualification in order to keep my my nationwide concealed carry up to date invalid. And the firearms qualification here was much easier than the one that I had to do in Florida. So one of the things I would like to implement first is kind of increasing like the raise the bar on the the firearms qualification.

00:47:05:22 - 00:47:27:48

Darren Hill

I do like some of the things they do here compared to Florida, for example, there is a component where we have to move and shoot as opposed to the very static shooting that we did in Florida. However, the distance is very close. Like I would I would like to do some further back qualification in training. Like I get it most engagements are up close and personal.

00:47:28:08 - 00:47:46:12

Darren Hill

However, you've got this Dickens guy out. In what state was that in Indiana that stops the mall shooter from four yards, eight rounds, ten rounds, eight of them on target. No other. Nobody else was hit.

00:47:47:06 - 00:47:48:30

Wayne Mulder

I talk about that a little bit.

00:47:49:33 - 00:48:30:23

Darren Hill

Longer ranges and I would I would like there to be some some longer range practice. I know that they've been doing a lot more training on school shootings. I would definitely love to work with the the school board on getting the deputies into every single school. They just every single time we do a training, just rotate, which school is at, make sure that they're familiar with it, how to get in and just training on those big issues like I want constant training on the most life threatening issues because that's where we're going to see the biggest returns.

00:48:31:19 - 00:48:55:19

Wayne Mulder

Yeah, no, I think that's great. And I think that that is one of those things you're starting to see more push for it. But we've seen some recent tragedies on a national scale where it really came down to a leadership issue and probably a lack of training issue. So I really like to hear that anyone coming in to a leadership, especially a high leadership position in this industry or this profession, is thinking the way you are.

00:48:55:19 - 00:49:08:06

Wayne Mulder

So that's great. All right. Let me ask you might get to know your questions that I always ask everybody typically at the beginning, but I'm going to ask them at the end, and I'm going to do it more as a rapid fire. And then I got two more questions in summary, so I don't keep you all afternoon here.

00:49:08:06 - 00:49:12:45

Wayne Mulder

So all right. So for the important questions, coffee or tea, Darren?

00:49:12:45 - 00:49:13:30

Darren Hill

Oh, coffee.

00:49:14:07 - 00:49:17:52

Wayne Mulder

That is the correct answer. Now, are you one of these cream and sugar guys or.

00:49:19:06 - 00:49:38:49

Darren Hill

I like to do a little bit of almond milk. I know a lot of people hate on that, but I've always been a mike. I don't do dairy very well. I'm not completely lactose intolerant, but it's rough on me. So I do a little bit of almond milk and I love caramel, so I've had a little bit of that in there, but it's mostly coffee.

00:49:39:18 - 00:49:50:25

Darren Hill

No normal stuff. If I go to some fancy coffee place, I'm like, Look, I just want a black coffee with a little bit of almond milk and caramel, and they're like, Oh, you want a latte? I'm like, No, no, no. I want more coffee than that.

00:49:50:40 - 00:49:56:38

Wayne Mulder

Exactly. No, give me the black coffee and then just splash a little bit, right? Yeah. They they understand.

00:49:56:38 - 00:49:57:19

Darren Hill

Flavor on it.

00:49:58:40 - 00:50:00:39

Wayne Mulder

Do you have a favorite place to have that drink?

00:50:00:39 - 00:50:25:31

Darren Hill

A coffee The easiest place that I used to get that coffee was at Dunkin Donuts, but they used to be the easiest place drive thru. I'd be like, Hey, I want a extra large hot coffee, put a little bit of almond milk and caramel in there and we're good. Unfortunately, there's no local Dunkin here, so I have I make my own coffee every morning.

00:50:26:07 - 00:50:27:19

Darren Hill

Okay? I don't go out anymore.

00:50:28:13 - 00:50:40:12

Wayne Mulder

I do my own pour over at the house as well. So I understand completely. Then the other nice thing about Duncan down in the state of Florida is night shift, because you're pretty much stuff out of luck outside of gas stations and Dunkin.

00:50:41:20 - 00:50:43:33

Darren Hill

And I know on gas station coffee. That's a nightmare.

00:50:44:31 - 00:51:05:02

Wayne Mulder

No. In fairness, though, this is just personal opinion here and I can be wrong, but in my opinion, the ones that went to the where you push the button and it instantly grinds and pours it, oh, it's not been sitting, it's ground in real time like the racetracks around here have it. Some of the other ones are starting to do it.

00:51:05:02 - 00:51:24:37

Wayne Mulder

Yeah. And they actually work. I trying to think of the brand I had a they sell a home version which is stupid, expensive like in the thousands of dollars but essentially it grinds it and does your coffee in real time. So I want to say those machines at racetracks, someone told me ten grand a piece. I could be wrong if a listener out there knows for sure.

00:51:24:37 - 00:51:25:25

Wayne Mulder

But yeah.

00:51:25:31 - 00:51:33:36

Darren Hill

I never saw those. It was always just the pot of coffee that had been sitting there probably since eight in the morning. It's now three in the morning. Questionable.

00:51:33:45 - 00:51:41:15

Wayne Mulder

Yeah, exactly. That's that long cross state drive, you know, the pilot gas station at three in the morning or like. Yeah, it's coffee. It's going to have the.

00:51:42:54 - 00:51:45:39

Darren Hill

Bottom of the barrel know. Like, I've got nothing else. Here it is.

00:51:45:52 - 00:51:51:50

Wayne Mulder

It's a little chewy, but you know who's counting? Do you have a best or worst travel story?

00:51:53:00 - 00:51:54:36

Darren Hill

Best or worst travel story?

00:51:54:43 - 00:51:55:08

Wayne Mulder


00:51:56:11 - 00:52:37:19

Darren Hill

Oh, worst travel story was actually when I was moving here to Colorado. It was right when all the riots were happening because of George Floyd. I had to avoid all major cities and all major interstates because they were blocked like people were just out on the roads, walking down the interstate and standstill was everywhere. So I had made the entire drive from Tampa to Denver essentially taking backroads the whole way.

00:52:37:51 - 00:52:42:16

Darren Hill

It was it was not fun. I struggled with it.

00:52:42:57 - 00:52:53:49

Wayne Mulder

Just depending on which one you use. Like Google drives me freaking crazy because I'll plot out the plan I want and then it keeps trying to take me back to the interstate the whole time, even when I changed the settings but drives me.

00:52:53:56 - 00:53:13:49

Darren Hill

Yeah, I had to set mine to avoid highways, but thankfully it wasn't trying to take me back to the highways because they were all blocked like it was terrible. They were so, so blocked for the entire trip that I didn't even have to set it to avoid highways. It was doing it. Yeah. So we were backroads the whole way.

00:53:13:49 - 00:53:18:05

Wayne Mulder

How long did that take? Because that's like a 33 hour drive, plus or minus, I believe.

00:53:18:41 - 00:53:48:55

Darren Hill

Yeah, I think we spent four days, four days on the road. So I think normally it would take about two days or three days of driving, depending on how you do it, but it up to about four days. And then even once we got up here, we didn't have a house. We sold the house in Florida. And then we're like, okay, now we're here and we're technically homeless because the got delayed on when we were going to be closing.

00:53:49:08 - 00:54:11:47

Darren Hill

We ended up living just in hotels and we're just bouncing from hotel to hotel and we had to get dog friendly hotels and the rooms we got were like the bottom of the barrel rooms because they were dog friendly and they always stank so terribly. I'm like, I'm glad my dog isn't the type of dog that's going to mess up a hotel room and make it stay this bad.

00:54:11:47 - 00:54:26:34

Darren Hill

But it was it was bad. It got to the point that our builder actually gave us the keys to the house before closing. And they were like, hey, we we know you're good for the closing. Just you guys can kind of squat here. We won't say anything.

00:54:27:07 - 00:54:39:30

Wayne Mulder

Well, that was awesome. Yeah, it's crazy. Sometimes what you go through with those major cross-country moves. Last one of these questions, do you have a favorite or most meaningful nonfiction book?

00:54:40:55 - 00:54:48:52

Darren Hill

Oh, our favorite or most meaningful nonfiction book, The Art of War by Sun Tzu.

00:54:49:26 - 00:54:52:44

Wayne Mulder

Okay, that's a good pick. I like it. I've read it a few times.

00:54:53:27 - 00:55:12:01

Darren Hill

It's it's a good one. And it's so relevant to so many different topics. It's not just warfare like it applies to politics, it applies to business. So many of the principles that are in that book apply to you can apply them to every facet of your life.

00:55:12:48 - 00:55:37:31

Wayne Mulder

Yeah, no, I agree with you. That's a great a great one to throw out to everybody if you haven't read it. I highly suggest that, in fact, it's probably on one of these bookshelves around here somewhere. But. All right, Darren, my final two questions for you, because I don't want to keep you too long here. This one is more of a theoretical question, but I think for someone running for sheriff, it's kind of important to know how you see the profession as so what is your vision for law enforcement?

00:55:37:51 - 00:55:46:04

Wayne Mulder

And you can paint with a broad stroke. It can be what you would like to see. It could be the reality of what you think we're going to see. But what is your vision for law enforcement?

00:55:47:51 - 00:55:59:06

Darren Hill

For law enforcement? And to put it simply, I think it's it should be there to be a referee between individuals and a shield against the government.

00:56:00:59 - 00:56:01:46

Wayne Mulder

I like that's pretty.

00:56:01:46 - 00:56:03:01

Darren Hill

Much where it should sit for me.

00:56:03:37 - 00:56:17:07

Wayne Mulder

And that's very succinct. So. No, that's great. All right. My final question that I ask everybody who comes on the show, what is the one take away the one thing that law enforcement officers can do that's going to make a difference in their personal lives?

00:56:18:37 - 00:56:48:23

Darren Hill

Mm That's a tough one. I would say that you've got to have a life outside law enforcement. I think the people who I have seen who've been most the most negatively impacted by their time in law enforcement, are the people who spend their life a little too deep in law enforcement. It becomes their the core of their identity.

00:56:48:23 - 00:57:08:43

Darren Hill

It becomes everything that they are. And it later makes their separation from law enforcement, whether it's voluntary or involuntary, much more difficult on them. I think having a network of friends and activities outside of law enforcement is a huge help.

00:57:09:55 - 00:57:25:03

Wayne Mulder

I agree 100%. I think that's in fact, that is literally the kind of mission of what on the blue line is all about. So I, I really, really appreciate that. So the website is Hill the number for liberty dot com. How can they connect with you on social.

00:57:26:31 - 00:57:55:33

Darren Hill

I'm also on Facebook. It's a hill for hill for sheriffs. That is not the number for that is just hill for sheriff. And then on Twitter, I'm not there much, but I'm also Hill for liberty. They're the number four. I'm also on Instagram. That one is the same as my Facebook Hill. For sheriff, it's I'm pretty much post the same thing across all of them.

00:57:55:33 - 00:58:23:27

Darren Hill

But if people want to get on there, send me a message. That's where I'm at. I'm pretty quick to respond because I work at my computer all day anyways because of my personal business. Yeah, so I'm pretty quick to respond to it. Actually, just this morning somebody sent me an email that's that was, I think 20 questions like long form questions I'm still working on a response to, but I'm going to get it back to him today.

00:58:24:03 - 00:58:42:16

Wayne Mulder

That's awesome. But I'm glad to hear people are reaching out and asking you questions. In fact, that's one thing I want to do a little different on the ending of this show that I haven't done with my others. So the website everybody it's hill for the number for liberty dot com I will have his Instagram, Facebook and Twitter all linked up in the show notes so you can scroll down whatever platform you're on.

00:58:42:16 - 00:59:03:55

Wayne Mulder

You'll see them there and there is a show notes page now for every episode which is going to have all this information as well, no matter which way you consume it, it's there. Darren, what do you want to say? I think this has been a great conversation and I think those listeners that are out there that are strong constitutionalist, that enjoy liberty, that are kind of a little sick and tired of what they're seeing with people that are encroaching on our liberties.

00:59:03:55 - 00:59:13:40

Wayne Mulder

And they want someone that they're going to vote for that's going to stand up for them. But what else do you want to say to those people who may potentially be voting in November in Colorado?

00:59:15:28 - 00:59:45:19

Darren Hill

I would say that I'm probably more of a Republican candidate than our current Republican nominee. So they're definitely people who should be looking into my campaign. I'm not a wild libertarian that once drugs freely distributed on the streets, I probably diverge a little bit from the large portion of the Libertarian Party there that I'm not completely crazy there.

00:59:45:19 - 01:00:09:07

Darren Hill

I understand that there's there's hurdles we have to go through as a society and addictions that we need to address. And if if people want to support me in my campaign for sheriff, there is a donate button on my website. They do have to fill out a few details about themselves if they want to donate more than $20 or more because that is a record of a requirement in Colorado.

01:00:10:13 - 01:00:19:03

Darren Hill

But yeah, if people want to support me in my run and they want to fight back against these red flag laws, there's there's the donate button.

01:00:19:49 - 01:00:29:17

Wayne Mulder

I love it. And again, that's Hill the number for Liberty dot com. Darren, thank you so much for coming on. It's great to see you again and I really appreciate your time today and I wish you the best of luck in.

01:00:29:39 - 01:00:30:55

Darren Hill

Great with that.

01:00:31:04 - 01:00:32:45

Wayne Mulder

And I wish you the best of luck in November.

01:00:33:17 - 01:00:34:17

Darren Hill

Oh, I'm going to need it.

01:00:35:20 - 01:00:36:21

Wayne Mulder

Awesome. Thanks again.

01:00:37:08 - 01:00:37:51

Darren Hill

I thank you.

01:00:38:20 - 01:00:55:13

Wayne Mulder

And that does it for this week's The Interview Room. I hope you really enjoyed it. Another great guest will be with us again next week. We have a great lineup for you here over the next few weeks and I'm through the rest of the year, so you're definitely not going to want to miss a single episode. We also have Morning Roll Call, which typically comes out on Monday mornings.

01:00:55:13 - 01:01:13:19

Wayne Mulder

However, I may change my mind and who knows? It could come on different day of the week, but morning roll call, check that out as well. That's just me talking to you and it gives us a few minutes to go over something, anything from news or something actionable that matters, hopefully to you. One last favor, please, please, please.

01:01:13:19 - 01:01:31:49

Wayne Mulder

Whatever service you are looking at or whatever service you are watching this on, you're listening to this on, please leave us a rating and review five stars. That would be the appropriate number of stars if for some reason it's not five stars, in your opinion, or if it is, tell us why we would love to hear it. I would love to get your feedback.

01:01:31:49 - 01:01:48:54

Wayne Mulder

In fact, I'm going to start reading some of these reviews on the air. I've been looking at some of the ones on Apple Podcasts and thank you, thank you, thank you for the phenomenal reviews and thank you all for taking the time to listen to this. I hope you're really enjoying it. You all have a safe week out there and I will see you next week in the interview room.

01:01:48:54 - 01:02:06:27

Wayne Mulder

I will see you next week in Morning Roll Call. But in the meantime, I'll see you On The Blue Line.


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PODCAST: On The Blue Line Podcast | MORNING ROLL CALL | God has not abandoned you! | Episode 080