BLOG: The Last Line of Defense. Writing about divisiveness and the role of Law Enforcement in Society.
I get one question more often than others, why do you write about divisive topics? It is a fair question, I guess. However, its answer should be apparent to anyone who watches the daily degradation of society as presented by the national media. Yes, the goal, the mission, and the creed of On The Blue Line since its inception were to empower law enforcement officers in their daily lives through the components: educate, empower, honor, and defend. The mission is clear, but the application can be complex.
What is the role of law enforcement?
The role of law enforcement is a fair question and one that is answered differently based on your experiences. Some consider law enforcement the first part of a penal system where their involvement is simply the first stop on a long, repetitive loop through the Criminal Justice system. For others, law enforcement is the protectors, the line, the thin blue line between peace and anarchy. For these people, the police are vigilant watchdogs, the sheepdog, that guard the herd against the wolves prowling at night. They eliminate that which the sleeping public pretends doesn't exist so that the public can awaken to civil society without fear and angst.
“Law enforcement is a symbol of current culture and a guardian of its principles from those who want to burn the system to the ground and rebuild a so-called utopian society.”
Another group has emerged. In reality, they have always existed, even before Karl Marx himself. This group has recently been thrust into the limelight and on a stage as never seen previously in American history. These people believe that law enforcement is part of an unjust system. They use fancy terms that classify groups into a hierarchy and then scream, as their predecessors did, that the only way to "justice" is to eliminate the system. These beliefs rooted heavily in Marxism have seen a revival that I could never have predicted in my lifetime. Especially given how dangerous and deadly this viewpoint is when they enact its tenants.
The reality is that there are portions of truth in all of these examples. Law enforcement is the first step into a disciplinary system for those who prefer to break the law. For those who adhere to the law, law enforcement is their protector. Law enforcement is a symbol of current culture and a guardian of its principles from those who want to burn the system to the ground and rebuild a so-called utopian society.
Law enforcement holds many roles. They are the face of the government, usually and constitutionally, a local face. They also are part of the community while still defending their local community. As the representative of government at the local level, police have a unique position; they must ensure adherence to law and order while simultaneously being one of the most crucial first-line guardians of the Constitution. Society suffers if law enforcement strays too far in either direction with this pendulum.
But you still have not answered; why write about divisive topics such as politics and religion?
American society is changing and becoming more fragmented than it has ever been in recent memory. Ideals and social mores that were commonplace only a few decades ago are now attacked, ridiculed, and eliminated as part of an ironically named march toward Progressivism. Founding Fathers are being held in contempt and systematically attacked and removed from their prominence without justification. Lunacy has become routine and is not only accepted but celebrated. Right things are called wrong, good is often called evil, and evil is not only called good but must be acknowledged by everyone and celebrated.
The breakdown of society affects law enforcement and will always directly involve law enforcement. The issue is that the more it impacts law enforcement, we can make a few apparent predictions on how it will negatively impact society in the future. A circle will form where the negative impact on law enforcement will affect society, society's continued degradation will affect law enforcement, and the cycle will continue.
I write about the issues that affect law enforcement to remind society and law enforcement what we stand to lose if we remain on this course.
Law enforcement is not perfect. Law enforcement is composed of people, and save one man in history; people are not perfect. Law enforcement comprises those who see evil and want to stop it. It contains those who are empathetic towards other humans and want to help others. It is an assembly of men and women who choose these attributes of empathy and service for others over their desires for comfort and safety. People in any profession meeting these criteria are the best in society.
However, as with all things, there is a line. There is a point where those willing to sacrifice to protect and help others can't do it anymore, won't do it anymore. The cost becomes too great, and the lack of support and constant attacks by the community and government leaves them no option but to leave the profession. When you turn the heroes into villains, you create a scenario where the hero no longer can operate in this environment, and they move. We are seeing this departure in cities and states across this country. The more we villainy police and make ludicrous demands such as, "Defund the Police," we ensure that those we want to do the job will move on. This is not a matter of "if" but "when."
Who suffers? Who suffers when good cops decide to leave their careers for their families' well-being, a choice they should never have to make? The short answer is we all do. We all lose; Society loses; ultimately, everyone loses.
“History, politics, religion, morality, civility, and common decency must be taught as anchors that keep the country a safe harbor.”
It doesn't have to be this way.
Law enforcement is, in some ways, an indicator of society—a so-called litmus test where we can evaluate prevailing ideas by applying them to the standard. Law enforcement can be society's greatest asset, protecting the innocent from the perpetrators. However, we must realize that law enforcement can also be society's most significant affliction. History warns us that those in a "law enforcement" capacity often are the ones who enforce tyranny.
Who do you think political elites and authoritarian leaders, even in this country, intend to carry out their unconstitutional demands?
Law enforcement is the last line of defense regarding the Constitution of the United States. History, politics, religion, morality, civility, and common decency must be taught as anchors that keep the country a safe harbor. If we lose these anchors, we will continue to be a country lost at sea and destined for inevitable demise on the rocky shoals of history.
It is for these reasons that I write about a variety of topics. All topics affect law enforcement. They may affect the officer directly or indirectly by affecting society, affecting the officer. They may be reminders of what law enforcement is here to protect and safeguard. All the above reasons have one thing in common, educating law enforcement and the community on their roles and the informal compact that truly protects society.
Thank you to all those who continue to hold the line. May you never forget the stakes.
This Blog Post Appeared first at All Rights Reserved. July 2022
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Wayne Mulder is a law enforcement officer, speaker, writer and the host of the On The Blue Line podcast. Wayne is an advocate for law enforcement officer total health programs and a believer in empowering law enforcement officers in their personal lives. For more on his mission visit