New eBook

This short reflective eBook written by Wayne Mulder was released July of 2022. Available on Amazon as a Kindle download.

Books written by guests and others that we like and suggest!

Imagine sitting at the feet of some of the greatest teachers. Having the opportunity to listen one-on-one to their stories, to their lessons learned, and to ideas that may resonate with you. Now imagine that these teachers are not tethered to this one moment in time. They can move freely, from generation to generation, telling the stories that resonate with each of us, reminding us of why we do what we do, or cautioning us on the great errors that we should avoid. This is what a book does for us. As most of our listeners know we greatly encourage reading and we wanted to provide a few books that we are either currently reading or have recently enjoyed that we would recommend. Happy Reading!

{If you are purchasing any of these books, using the links below helps to support this podcast at no additional costs to you! Thank you for the consideration}

Great Book and a must read for ALL law enforcement. Doc Springer’s insights on the challenges faced by Sgt Sugrue are eye-opening and therapeutic. Sgt Sugrue-Ret will be a guest in October 2022 on THE INTERVIEW ROOM.

A fantastic account of Samantha Horwitz’s story when as a Secret Service agent she was present at the World Trade Center 09/11/2001. Samantha was a guest on Episode 029 of THE INTERVIEW ROOM.

Want to learn to speak confidently and without fear? Check out another great book by Mike Acker. Mike was a guest on Episode 028 of THE INTERVIEW ROOM.

An important conversation about legacy by LT Randy Sutton-Ret. Randy was a guest on Episode 027 of THE INTERVIEW ROOM.

A classic Book on Financial education and principles. Mentioned by Officer Babino, guest on Episode 024 of THE INTERVIEW ROOM.

A book suggested by Brady Tucker guest on Episode 022 of THE INTERVIEW ROOM.

A book suggested by Brady Tucker guest on Episode 022 of THE INTERVIEW ROOM.

A must read for everybody! A book suggested by Brady Tucker guest on Episode 022 of THE INTERVIEW ROOM.

One of the most important financial books of a generation. A book suggested by Brady Tucker guest on Episode 022 of THE INTERVIEW ROOM.

A classic book on Manhood. The perfect gift for every man in your life- Father, Son, Grandfather, friend. A book suggested by Brady Tucker guest on Episode 022 of THE INTERVIEW ROOM.

Practical advice for men. Life changing for every man in your life. A book suggested by Brady Tucker guest on Episode 022 of THE INTERVIEW ROOM.

A book suggested by Brady Tucker guest on Episode 022 of THE INTERVIEW ROOM.

Such a needed book for today’s world. A book suggested by Alex Sanfilippo guest on episode 021 of THE INTERVIEW ROOM.

Looking for a great book on leadership? Check out this suggestion by Chief Chuck Whitworth, guest on Episode 017 of THE INTERVIEW ROOM.

A classic that everyone should read and own, regardless of your vocation. A suggestion by Chief Chuck Whitworth, guest on episode 017 of THE INTERVIEW ROOM.